I have nothing to wear!

Apparently most women only wear 20% of whats in their wardrobe regularly. In my case it's probably more like 10%. Despite the fact that I have a rather large walk in wardrobe literally bursting with clothes (I could probably go more than six months without washing if I wore everything), I still can't find anything to wear in the morning. I no longer remove tags from clothes when I buy them because I frequently find things in my wardrobe I haven't seen in years that have never been worn, and they sell better on eBay with the tags still attached!

My project for this month is to make peace with my wardrobe. This month I won't buy any new clothes, shoes or accessories (so I have more money to spend shark diving in Port Lincoln). I will go through my wardrobe and clear out the things I will never wear. Even the things that I 'haven't worn yet, but I just love so I have to keep'...they should be the first to go!

Anything that I keep will have to be matched to other accessories I already own - I'm not keeping anything that requires new shoes/tops/hats to be bought to wear with it. I think that's one of the reason a lot of clothes don't get worn, because they don't 'stand alone'.

I started yesterday by wearing a pair of shoes I'd bought and never worn....bad idea - new shoes always hurt, and a silky top...that was slightly more successful. This weekend I'm going to sort through and work out what to keep and what to throw...wish me luck!

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