25, I guess that's kind of grown up.

I've reached an age where people have stopped saying 'oh, that's so young' when they discover it. For the first time in my adult life I'm no longer the youngest member of my social group, children refer to me as 'the lady' not 'the girl', and I've also become quite taken with the idea of spending whole weekends on the couch instead of out on the turps. It appears the world is trying to tell me I'm an adult.

In an attempt to embrace this I've tried volunteering for charity - you know, do the community minded, socially responsibility thing...it didn't really stick. It was rewarding and all (if you consider being sworn at by junkies, proposed to by hobos and pooed at by children rewarding), but it turns out staying home was just as rewarding.

I also tried taking night classes, apparently that's what adults do. After 7 weeks of millinery I ended up with one semi wearable hat and glue everywhere. I went to one class of my six week silversmithing course, realized it involved getting my hands dirty and never went back. Thankfully my adult ballet course was cancelled before it began.

Other people, upon noticing my responsible adult status rather misguidedly left me in charge of their children. This has never ended well, children can smell my fear much like a horse can.

In the last two months i've decided to take it right back to 'adult basics' and focus on getting healthy, i.e. eating well, excercising (granted I still have to pay professionals to force me to do that), going to bed early. One day, if I get the foundations right, I might progress to other more advanced grown up things such as learning to ride a bike, getting my license or even getting a passport...on second thoughts, I think I'd rather stay home and drink some wine.


  1. some wine? or polish off several bottles of sparkling with your housemate on a Sunday afternoon?

  2. Being an adult is SO overrated, trust me. I'm 27 :( gag! Everytime I say it, it totally sounds like there must be some mistake. Only thing I like about being this old, is living alone. I love coming home to my dogs and nothing else. Feels DIVINE :)
