The Quiet Voice

I've been thinking about the loud voice/quiet voice concept a fair bit lately, it seems to be very relevant at this point in my life.
My favourite description of the quieter voice is from Sarah Wilson's blog:

'Do you have a soft voice? What I mean is, do you have a secondary voice – not the loud, chattery one that natters away in your head most of the day – but another quieter, gentler voice that pipes up just when you need it to? You hear it when you listen for it.

I do. It gets a bit drowned out most of the time. I’m a very abrupt person – I barge around, mostly, and wonder why there’s so much chaos in my life. And am often too busy to hear my quiet voice. And yet I crave a quieter, stiller way.

The louder, more bombastic voice gets priority because it seems more urgent, more “right”. It’s the voice that’s been rewarded over the years. I’ve fed it with attention. Like laughing at show-offs.

It’s taken years to realise the loud voice really has no idea what it’s on about. It wings it. The quieter voice has the answers. She just doesn’t need to shout.'

You can read the whole article here:

 I have a quiet voice, I can generally hear it best during meditation. To be honest, it usually tells me the opposite of what the loud voice is saying, but as soon as I 'hear' it I know that it's the truth.

My quiet voice has revealed some interesting things over the last few months, mostly unexpected and surprising things, but so far they've all proved to be the right choices for me. So even though I don't always like what my quiet voice has to say, I want to work on stifling that loud voice and becoming more in tune with my quiet voice - I think that's the key to becoming the authentic me.

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