I'm in a really good place at the moment, and I don't mean sitting in my office (although the view this morning is pretty nice - I know the picture is kind of blurry, now you know what it's like to see like I do).
Things are really working out for me - My house is clean, my bed is comfy, my job is great and I'm at peace with my family. My friends are all happy, healthy and some of them are very much in luuuuurve, which is wonderful. I'm loving going to the gym, pilates rocks my world, weekly meditation group keeps me zen, floating around the hydrotherapy pool keeps me warm.
For the first time in years, I'm relaxed enough to wear pants (anyone who knows me well knows I never wear pants!), I don't feel the need to get dressed up to go to the shops, and I'm very much enjoying being a lot more relaxed in my attitude to everything.
I hope things are going as well for you too.
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