Letting go

"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy." - Nelson Mandela.

I've long been known for my ability to hold petty grudges with a vice- like grip. It's not something I'm proud of, but it is part of me. Most of the time its about silly things like someone not liking my shoes, or telling me I've put on weight, and  I usually get over it stuff like that pretty quickly. Occasionally it's something bigger that just festers away -  what happens if I just can't let go?

I know that for the sake of my own happiness, and that of others, I need to move on so why can't I just do it? I guess the answer must be that I don't want to. This is even harder to understand...why would I want to keep hold of something that makes my life miserable?

Perhaps it goes back to my belief that I must learn from what happens to me. I guess there's a lesson in all of this I still need to learn before I can move on...or perhaps I can just move into a cave with this bloke:

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