So what makes you special?

Over the past few weeks I've been paying a bit of attention to what makes my friends special. One is a marathon swimmer, one (actually, more than one) is an amazing cook, another is a creative genius, one has an almost encyclopedic memory of 80's song lyrics, then there's the entrepreneur, the 'big brother', the wanderer, the 'IT nerd', and the list goes on. All of these definitions are important, but they aren't what I'll remember about my friends in the years to come. Chloe for example, may have an amazing talent for covering herself with pig fat and swimming long distances in the freezing cold, but when I think of her I think of the fun times we've spent together, the funny things we've laughed over, and the times she's looked after me when I've needed a friend. I remember our 'nightclub toilet tour of St Kilda', our failed trip to the races in the rain (OK, so that's happened more than once) and I remember her holding my hair as I spewed all over the bathroom whilst declaring that the champagne bucket I'd just stolen from a local bar was the best thing I'd ever done.

All of this made me think, how do my friends define me? Will they remember me for my poorly timed humour, my spectacular drinking mishaps, or perhaps the time I've called to see how they are when they're sick, left some chocolate on their desk or posted something to cheer them up on their facebook wall... I don't know that I've been doing enough of the good things for them to remember lately, so I guess that's what I'll start to focus on, because although I like to be remembered for my drunken karaoke prowess, I'd rather be remembered as a good friend.

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