Stuff that is making me feel grown up

  • Wearing pants and a shirt to work today - I look like a man, but at least I look like a professional man.
  • Walking to and from work
  • Reading industry related articles in my spare time
  • Doing lots of cooking in advance (some of it is even quite tasty)
  • Going to a bar in jeans and a quite demure top (and giggling at the girls in skimpy dresses and lots of makeup)
  • Getting up early and cleaning the house
  • Gardening...the plants are still alive, although looking a little wussy.
  • Opening a first home savers account (although it has no money in it)
  • Deciding to use the money I would spend on Spring Carnival to kick start my first home savers account.

Stuff that is reminding me I'm not very grown up:
  • You don't really think I'm stupid enough to put that in writing do you?

Gardening - Deceptively Easy

For once I actually fulfilled one of my resolutions - I spent this weekend gardening. It was fun, reasonably simple and the plants are still looking like they might least for a few days.

Our trip to Bunnings
Lots of chilli plants
Some of my herbs...(they didn't look this sad until I drowned them with my watering can)
The 'shrubbery'...I assume they'll grow and it won't look so dirty soon.

My Name is Heather and I'm a Collector.

I've always been a collector, as long as I can remember I've always like to acquire things - lots of things, lots of similar things. I've collected stamps, coins, rocks, beads, pony books, ponies, shoes, perfumes, hats, DVDs, bottles of fact I seem to think that pretty much everything that you can get one of is better if you get lots of it.

I am really scared of flimsy stairs...and exercise

I'm not scared of many things, but stairs I can see through absolutely terrify me. This can be a problem in Hobart where most of the retail stores have horrible old school scary stairs that you can see through.